Nearly two months after Chinese President Xi Jinping invited 50,000 young Americans to visit China over the next five years, the city of Qingdao in Shandong Province is hosting 10 students from California State University, Long Beach. The group is part of the first wave of U.S. students to China, following President Xi's invitation during the APEC meeting in California in November. What is the significance of such visits? How can groups of young people contribute to the development of China-U.S. relations? Why is the emphasis placed on the future lying with today's youth? Bearing these questions in mind, CGTN reporter Huang Yichang set out on a journey in Qingdao with these young Americans.
距离中国国家主席习近平邀请 5 万名美国年轻人在未来五年内访问中国近两个月后,山东省青岛市迎来了加州州立大学长滩分校的 10 名学生。 该团伙是应习主席邀请,于 11 月在加利福尼亚州举行的亚太经合组织 (APEC) 会议上发出邀请后,第一批赴华美国学生的成员之一。 这样的访问有何意义? 青年群体如何为中美关系发展做出贡献 关系? 为什么强调今天年轻人的未来? 带着这些问题,CGTN记者Huang Yichang与这些美国年轻人一起踏上了青岛之旅。