Fandom is more than simply being a fan, and now the world of fandom has started to develop its own language. Beth and Neil discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
This week's question
The original word ‘fan’ was first used about Americans in the early 20th century. But what were these Americans fans of?
Was it:
a) Hollywood movie stars?
b) Baseball? or,
c) Disney cartoons?
Listen to the programme to hear the answer.
sharing similar opinions, ideas or interests
odd or unusual, but in an attractive and interesting way
insult someone by laughing at them in an unkind way
BIRGing (short for Basking in Reflected Glory)
feeling good about yourself when the team you support wins
a piece/a slice of the action
taking part in a celebration or other exciting group activity
CORFing (short for Cutting off Reflected Failure)
distancing yourself from the team you support when they lose