Think back to a really vivid memory. Got it? Now try to remember what you had for lunch three weeks ago. That second memory probably isn't as strong— but why not? Why do we remember some things, and not others? And why do memories eventually fade? Catharine Young gives the basics on memory and memory loss.
回想一个生动的回忆,好了吗?好的,现在,想想三周前你午餐吃了什么?这个回忆可能就不是那么栩栩如生了吧,为什么会这样呢?为什么我们会 记住一些事情,而忘却另外一些事情?为什么记忆最终会一点一点地褪色?凯瑟琳·杨(Catharine Young)讲述了记忆产生与丢失的相关知识。