As a heritage of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has designated the day of the grand opening ceremony, August 8, as National Fitness Day. More and more Chinese are trying to put the spirit of Fitness Day into their daily lives against the background of rapid sports development in China in recent years. Check out this video and have a look at why China promotes national fitness.
作为2008年北京夏季奥运会的遗产,中国政府将盛大的开幕式当天,即8月8日,定为 全民健身日。在近年来中国体育事业快速发展的背景下,越来越多的中国人正试图将 健身日 的精神融入他们的日常生活中。请看这段视频,看看中国为什么提倡全民健身。