In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

Contemporary artists are esteemed consistently, despite the development of science and technology. Benefits may arts have obtained from them, though, it is evident that science and technology cannot highlight the far-reaching reasons for life as arts do.
There are various senses that exist merely in the art domain but not in science or technology. The most significant influence of arts concerning the cultivation on how to record and express life. Every genre of art is a window to view life, for instance, music teaches us to utilize ears to capture the fluctuation of voices in order to comprehend the changing in the heart. In addition, considering the term of reasons arts addressing to people, namely truth, kindness, beauty and love, no distrust will direct to arts whether it provides the same with science. Actually, science arms humans with abilities to survive but not the intelligence to live a high-quality life. Furthermore, taking into account how we grow up, we may have been accompanied by a wide range of arts. Joe HISAISHI, one renowned Japanese musician for example, in whose music and animations the contemporaries of mine had gained, adventurous imagination, inspiration and happiness.
On the other hand, modern techniques are vehicles but not substance. They furnish human beings with the knowledge to optimize lives, and with spare time to approach to arts. A new instrument invented, we could appreciate fresh sounds of music, while the rhythms might be the same as before.
In summary, arts afford us inspiration, happiness, treasure artworks and valuable culture, all that is nowhere to be found in science and techonology. Without artists, alien would our life be to imagination and cultural compositions, and would humans be to spiritual paradise.
很多感受仅仅存在于艺术领域而非科学技术领域 艺术最重要的意义在于培养如何记录和表达生活的能力。每一门艺术都是观察生活的窗口,例如,音乐教会我们利用耳朵捕捉声音的波动,以理解内心的变化。此外,考虑到艺术向人们诉说的理由,即真理、童趣、节奏和爱,没有人会不相信艺术是否能提供与科学相同的东西。其实,科学赋予了人类生存的能力,却没有赋予人类高素质生活的智慧。而且,考虑到我们的成长过程,我们可能一直伴随着各种各样的艺术。比如日本著名的音乐家久石让,在他的音乐和动画中,我的同时代人获得了,冒险的想象力、灵感和快乐。