The chart gives information about the kinds of leisure activity engaged in by three distinct groups: native Canadians, recently arrived immigrants from English-speaking countries and new migrants for whom English is not the first language in their country.
The cinema is by far the most popular free-time activity listed in the chart for those with English as their first language — 70% of non-migrants and 65% of English-speaking migrants. Half the migrants from non-English-speaking countries also go to see a film but interestingly, 5% more of this group prefer the library to the cinema. Roughly 40% of the other two groups say they visit the library.
Zoos are visited most by half of the English-speaking migrants compared to just over 40% of those born in Canada and approximately 35% of the migrants born where English is not widely spoken. The theatre is least popular for all concerned, with only 10% of non-English-speaking migrants attending, while double the number of native Canadians go to see a play. A quarter of those born in English-speaking countries are theatre-goers.
Overall, it is perhaps unsurprising that Canadians prefer the cinema to the theatre, but the popularity of the library with new migrants may reflect the financial circumstances of these new citizens.