In the early 1900s, archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans uncovered nearly 3,000 tablets inscribed with strange symbols. He thought the script, dubbed Linear B, represented the Minoan language, while others came up with their own theories. Was it the lost language of the Etruscans? Or an early form of Basque? Its meaning would elude scholars for 50 years. Susan Lupack explores the mysterious inscriptions.
20世纪初,考古学家阿瑟-埃文斯爵士发现了近3000块刻有奇怪符号的石板。他认为这种被称为线性B的文字代表了米诺斯语,而其他人则提出了自己的理论。它是伊特鲁里亚人失传的语言吗? 还是巴斯克语的早期形式?还是巴斯克语的早期形式?它的含义在50年的时间里都没有被学者们发现。苏珊-卢帕克将探索这些神秘的铭文。