In the 13th century, Genghis Khan embarked on a mission to take over Eurasia, swiftly conquering countries and drawing them into his empire. But, legend has it that there was one obstacle that even he couldn’t overcome: a towering wall of ice, grown by locals across a mountain pass. M Jackson explores the ancient methods of growing glaciers and how they can be used to combat climate change.
在13世纪,成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)开始执行任务,接管欧亚大陆,并迅速征服了各个国家,并将它们吸引到他的帝国中。 但是,传说有一个障碍,即使他也无法克服:一个高耸的冰墙,阻碍了前进的山路。 M Jackson探索了冰川生长的古老方法,以及如何将其用于应对气候变化。