The British royal family is very rich but not as rich as you might think. And that’s because of a centuries-old model for how they make their income — and taboos about earning a private income outside of their official duties.Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are breaking free from the rules of how royals make money, which just might be a savvy financial decision.
Note: The properties illustrated on our map are only the properties we were able to geo-locate precisely from the following sources.
英国王室非常有钱,但没有你想像的那么富有。那是因为他们的收入方式已有数百年历史,并且在公职以外获得私人收入是禁忌。哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)摆脱了皇室成员如何赚钱的规则,这可能只是一个明智的财务决定。