Can you imagine a party where every movement and every visual detail were governed by a complex system of rules and procedures? For centuries, such rituals were commonplace for European nobility. And while they’ve gone out of fashion, we recognize the components under a familiar label: ballet. Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood outline the history of this graceful and precise dance.
你能想象一个派对,每个动作和每个视觉细节都由复杂的规则和程序系统支配吗?几个世纪以来,这种仪式在欧洲贵族中很普遍。而且尽管它们过时了,我们还是以熟悉的标签“芭蕾舞”认出了这些组件。 詹妮弗·托托雷洛(Jennifer Tortorello)和艾德丽安·韦斯特伍德(Adrienne Westwood)概述了这种优美而精确的舞蹈的历史。